14 January 2008

School saver

The uni is only a 15 minute bus ride from my home, so that is quite handy. It would be even nicer if the bus frequency was a little higher than one per hour, but hey, you can't have everything. Since I officially became a student, complete with student card-with-ugly-photo to prove it, I can use a school saver 10 rides card for the bus. Yes, the same card the kids use to get to school. It still feels a bit funny to use a children's card, but so far no bus driver ever asked to see my student card. I guess there are so many adult students in Oz, that they can't be bothered to check it. Today I needed a new one and I went to the uni shop to buy it. However, the helpful person behind the counter advised me that the card is actually not valid during the school holidays. Oops. I had just used it to get to uni and luckily wasn't caught. For a second I felt silly, then I realised that this information was nowhere to be found: not on the bus, not on the website, nor did the driver say anything. Apparently this is common knowledge, or so they think. If they are thinking at all. Stuff the students that are taking summer school. Anyway, way back when I did all communication for a public transport company in Europe, this obviously would never have happened. And I got to ride busses for free then. ;-)

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