09 July 2008

Could my future be this bright?

Or is this whole study a waste of time?

Just some random thoughts while in limbo (waiting for the results of my last unit). Sigh. (Both photo's made in Tonga, last week.)

07 July 2008

Back from holiday

And still no grade for my last assignment. How surprising (not). No tutes anywhere in sight, due to the uni's new policy of teaching without sessionals. Good thing I'm really relaxed at the moment, thanks to my Tongan holiday. Plough on with the ethics proposal. Yay! Part of my data will be generated at another institute, so I have to put in 2 ethics forms. The person at the other institute has vanished of the earth (email came back as undeliverable) and the research office he was working for is nowhere to be found (or so the receptionist tells me). It is sooooo Monday!