03 August 2011


Yes, after months of too hard work I actually managed to get the thesis submitted. So while waiting for the results I am trying to adapt to post-thesis life. It's kinda weird. After 3 years of being mainly in the role of student, all of a sudden I have to assert myself again as the professional person I was pre-thesis. Realise I actually do know what I'm talking about when it comes to, say, teaching or management or communication or road safety. I am not dependent on any supervisor's opinion, instead I can give my own. Without referencing anyone else. Will take some getting used to I guess, but must say I am beginning to enjoy it. Bring on the new projects! :-)


Anonymous said...

Yaaay! And that means more blog posts too! You must feel so liberated. :)

Lucienne said...

Yes, I do! But still tired, even without having my 'baby' screaming through my sleep. ;-)