25 June 2008

Yay, holiday!

I can hardly believe it myself, but I actually handed in my lit review an hour ago. 40 pages of sweat, blood and tears. Honestly, my efforts came closer to writhing than writing the past weeks/months. Now all I need is a Pass (yep, my standards decline by the hour) and get organised again. That is, after my very well earned holiday in Tonga, land of leisure, palmtrees and good food (and dengue mosquitoes, but who cares?). I'll be working on my tan (don't start on the missing ozone layer please!) and on reversing the damage all this stress has done to my body and mind (think heartburn, sleep deprivation, gaining weight, raised blood pressure and knotted up muscles). Being a student is so much easier is you are young, if only because your body can actually cope with the stress when it is 20 years old!

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